After a section 5 inspection in June, Belong School Gloucestershire has been graded ‘Good’ in all areas.

Headteacher Janie Ashburner: “This has been a fantastic year for Belong School Gloucestershire and I am exceptionally proud that following a section 5 inspection in June we were judged to be good in all categories. Within the report there is lots of recognition of how supportive the staff are and how well the students behave in school. In addition, I was very pleased that the experiences we offer were recognised as being thoroughly beneficial to the students both academically and for their SEMH.”

Some extracts from the report:

“Many pupils have not had the best start to their education before joining the school. At Belong, they get another chance. Most embrace this fresh opportunity, thriving in the process. Leaders and staff build warm and trusting relationships with pupils. This is the linchpin of the school’s success. Staff invest time to get to know pupils’ individual needs. They plan a highly personalised curriculum that is relevant to pupils’ education, health and care (EHC) plans. Over time, this contributes to better attendance and engagement in learning.

“The school is a calm place in which to learn. Well-established morning routines in ‘the hub’ encourage pupils to get off to a positive start to the day. Pupils say that they feel safe, including from bullying. Leaders seek creative ways to engage pupils in new experiences based on their talents and interests. These range from blacksmithing courses to landscaping and skiing trips abroad. Pupils particularly enjoy the boxing programme. It successfully develops their physical and mental well-being, confidence and positive decision making.” Ofsted, June 2023

You can view the full report here.


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