Welcome to Belong School Devon

Belong School Devon is an independent special school for students aged 11 to 17 from across Devon. Our approach to learning at Belong School Devon is built around our vision of enabling all our students to become thriving, successful adults in a modern world. 

Building strategies for learning and life

Our education offer for all students combines classroom-based learning with a diverse provision of structured Learning Outside The Classroom. Using this approach, we build strategies with our students to support their academic, social and emotional development.

Working with students from across Devon

We are focused on working with young people who have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) and we are commissioned by the local authority 0-25 team.


Read Belong School Devon’s latest report here

“There is a calm and orderly school environment. Staff help pupils to develop the tools to recognise and express their emotions effectively.”

Marie Thomas, HMI
May 2023


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Relational Practice

Belong School Devon’s approach to learning places the development of life-long skills at the centre of a student’s education provision to enable all to become successful both at the school and in the wider world.
Our methodology combines Restorative and Trauma Informed approaches with strong relationships to support our students to manage themselves and to learn, grow and thrive

Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

relational, individualised approach to learning provides each student with a programme which will respond and flex to their specific levels of learning and identify strategies to ensure progress. 

Upon entering the school, each student engages in an Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting, placing the student at the centre of their plan to identify strengths and interests to support areas for development.

Home involvement is crucial in ensuring a collaborative approach to our provision. The Individual Education Plans that emerge from this process are informed and underpinned by the outcomes in the student’s EHCP.

English as an additional language

We are committed to highly flexible ways of working which support students for whom English is an Additional Language. In line with our wrap-around approach to personalised teaching and learning, we will develop, monitor and review our approaches to supporting EAL students within the classroom and as part of the school and wider community. Where appropriate, this may include (but is not limited to) provision of additional language sessions to support the development of everyday fluency, the use of specific resources in a student’s native language and specialist training for key staff.

Behaviour and Relational Practice

We value relationships. Staff model the value of relationships through all their interactions. Where a relationship has been damaged, we seek to repair and restore this relationship, following a trauma informed approach.

At Belong School Devon, we understand all behaviours as a means of communication, often stemming from an unmet need. It is our aim to support students to learn to meet their needs in prosocial ways, being positive members of their community. Our focus is less upon managing behaviour but seeks instead to help students to learn to manage their own behaviour whilst building resilience, in turn leading to the acquisition of the skills required to learn, grow and thrive as an adult.

Cowick Street

Headteacher: Roz Harman 

138 Cowick Street, St.Thomas,

Exeter, EX4 1HS




0300 303 5755