Belong School Gloucestershire Post-16 Preparation Curriculum
A key part of Belong School Gloucestershire’s offer is preparing and supporting our students to move on to appropriate post-16 placements. We are very keen to assist students in realising and achieving their post-16 aspirations. To do this we ensure our students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to succeed in their next steps after leaving school.
We work with a variety of local businesses and community projects who provide work-based learning opportunities for our students such as carpentry, animal care, blacksmithing and beauty.
In addition to our inhouse Careers & employability curriculum we work with an external Level 7 careers advisor who works with our students individually, offering careers interviews and creating personalised student action plans. These plans assist in informing the work-based learning opportunities offered to students and gets them thinking about their next steps.
A variety of work-related learning activities are provided throughout the curriculum such as visits and workshops with employers like Severn Trent Water and Rennishaw.
Visits to local colleges and training providers for students form a key aspect of our post-16 preparation for students, helping to inform students of their options and facilitate the transition to the next stages of their education. We work in collaboration with our local post-16 providers and the Local Authority to offer intensive transition packages across year 11, including continued support into year 12 where appropriate.
Our curriculum and support package is designed to continually provide exciting and varied opportunities for our students to experience and engage with the world beyond school. Most of our year 11 students have already been successful in gaining a place in their chosen post 16 provision.
For further information on Belong School Gloucestershire’s Post-16 Preparation curriculum, please contact our Careers & Post-16 Lead, Mark Riden:

Careers Journey
Find out more about our programme of study preparing students for life post-16

Our careers journey diagram shows the milestones in our programme of study, geared towards ensuring all students have access to the highest quality careers and further education advice.
Built into our programme is a system of targets and reviews, supported by scheduled meetings with our external careers advisor.
Our programme is built upon the guidance initially published by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
The report highlights the importance of 8 key features of good careers guidance
Please see the link below for more information on the Gatsby Good Careers Guidance report.