Belong School Gloucestershire SEN

Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

At Belong School Gloucestershire, we provide a broad, balanced and relevant education for all children that is planned and sequenced around each student’s individual educational plan needs. 

We ensure that our curriculum offer is flexible enough to meet the needs of the diverse population within the school and is carefully matched to the individual needs of each child.

English as an additional language

We are committed to a highly flexible manner of working which supports students for whom English is an Additional Language. In line with our wrap-around approach to personalised teaching and learning, we will develop, monitor and review our approaches to supporting EAL students within the classroom and as part of the school and wider community. Where appropriate, this may include (but is not limited to) provision of additional language sessions to support the development of everyday fluency, the use of specific resources in a student’s native language and specialist training for key staff.

Read Belong School Gloucestershire’s policies

Find out about Belong School Gloucestershire’s Curriculum

View Belong School Gloucestershire’s 2022/23 Calendar

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