
Core PE






Extended Curriculum offer


I am very pleased to welcome you as Headteacher to Belong School Devon.

We are an independent special school working with SEMH students from across Devon. Our approach to learning at Belong School Devon is built around our vision of enabling all our students to become thriving, successful adults in a modern world. 

Building from a foundation of strong relationships and individualised programmes of support, our skilled and passionate staff create bespoke learning provisions to ensure that all of our students are able to learn, grow and thrive, enabling them to achieve their potential. We place a particular emphasis upon the importance of Learning Outside the Classroom in helping students to develop and apply their learning. 

I hope these pages will provide a little insight into the work we do at Belong School Devon. If you would like to find out more about our work and our school, please make contact using the details at the bottom of the page or using the contact form; I would be very happy to extend a warm invite to find our school in person.