Autism Spectrum training at Belong School Gloucestershire

Staff at Belong School Gloucestershire have been developing their understanding of the Autism Spectrum. As part of ongoing CPD for all staff, Catrina Lowri from Neuroteachers led the staff team in a training session around the understandings and responses to Demand Avoidance behaviours, and the relationship of these behaviours with more general Autism Spectrum Conditions.  

The session was a great blend of theory and background understanding, structured alongside practical approaches to ensuring that our daily practice is supportive to those who may show Demand Avoidance behaviour. Strategies ranged from the use of assessment tools to help identify students who would benefit from Demand Avoidance approaches, golden rules for successful interactions and how our existing behaviour planning can be developed to best support our young people. 

Further information is available from Neuroteachers on their facebook page:


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